Spending a day at Luxembourg Gardens was something I’d recommend to anyone visiting Paris. It’s a staple for your French Lifestyle routine. If you have a free day, you should slow it down, and stop to appreciate the beauty of life and the beauty of your surroundings!
a day at
When the sun comes out in the city, you can be sure you’ll see all the Parisians emerge to sun bathe in the many gardens of Paris. Lounging in the iconic park chairs around the fountains, people soak up the rays they’ve been missing during the long rainy periods. You’ll find people tanning to the best of their ability within the midst of this big city!
There’s something comforting about this garden. With all its different areas, one could get really accustomed to spending time here every day, in their own little corner of the park.
On the east side of the palace, you’ll wander into the rows of trees to a little cafe stand, where you can grab un café, un baguette sandwich, et un macaron. I recommend sitting at the little green cafe tables, beneath the trees in the speckled light. You can stare out from the canopy of leaves that perfectly frame the palace gardens, and people-watch while listening to the murmur of French conversation, and birds singing.
It’s one of the more blissful memories I have, stopping here for a bite to eat during a busy day of exploring and shooting. Perfect for a romantic day with a lover, or Me Time with a good book. If you want to live like a true Parisian, spending time in the gardens is essential to your week!
Top: Gypsy05 | Pants: Verge Girl | Shoes: River Island | Bra: Cosabella | Beret: Enjoué Collectif
Sunglasses: Kate Spade | Necklace: Shop Azil
Once Again Inspiring )