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Coachella Diaries 2016 | Day 1


So excited to bring you my Coachella Diaries Day 1 post from this year! It was such a blast to get to return to this magical place, and I was amazed to see how many more people showed up this year, and with equally amazing outfits! One of my favorite times of year is festival season, with all the hustle and bustle in preparation for the season of festivities, and of course, getting to style my Coachella looks.

I find festivals so vibrant and alive- a tradition that has been going on for centuries where people come together in celebration of creativity, arts, culture, and more. I love getting to express myself outwardly in my own unique outfit, which I do on a daily basis anyway, but during festivals you can be as eccentric as you want. The more so, the better, in my opinion!

I started off my Coachella adventures in this outfit which I just love, and am looking for an excuse to wear it again everyday. You’ve probably seen my instagram being taken over by my festival pictures so far, fluttering about in Spell & the Gypsy Collective garb, which is my perfect example of festival attire. And I show a little versatility with each outfit, as I can hardly ever narrow down my chella outfits to just one. This year I managed to keep it a little simpler, while still keeping what I feel is my personal touch on festival flair.

We got there a little late on Day 1, having been out and about in Palm Springs for some pool parties (stay tuned for the roundup of party photos on the blog!), but arrived to a dust-ridden wind tunnel of a festival just in time for my favorite time- golden hour! We hit up two shows day 1, sadly missing Borns who I was so excited to see live. But at least we made it to Of Monsters and Men and Ellie Goulding to get our festival vibes going strong. (I’ve got 3 full days of Snapshot stories covering my entire chill experience, and I’ll be uploading it as a sort of “vlog”on Youtube, along with our Coachella Recap video coming soon!)

It was so cool getting to run into some fans out there, who by some great stroke of luck picked me out from the insanely large crowd! Nothing inspires me more than getting to put real faces to those who always support my adventures, I aim to inspire you and you inspire me in return! Some of the people I’ve gotten to meet through Instagram, and even Coachella, have become good friends, and I think that getting to form those relationships is the best part of what I do! I never take those moment for granted.

So, cheers to another year of music, people, dancing, and magic! I hope you have fast wifi so you can enjoy this mass dump of Day 1 photos! I don’t even know how I took so many!


Shirt: Spiritual Gangster
Shorts: Spell Designs
Bra: Uye Surana
Belt: Lovestrength
Boots: Faryl Robin x Free People
Hat: 66 the Label
Leg Chain: Grace Bijoux
Choker: Vanessa Mooney
Tusk Pendant: Heather G Malibu
Sunglasses: Polette Eyewear
Vintage Army Jacket: Jada and Jon
Bag: Led to Believe
Feather Earrings: The Feather Junkie
Arm Cuff: Bright Star & Buffalo
Feather Cuff & Ring: Good After Nine
Guitar String Bracelet: Wear Your Music
Rings: My Kitsch
Bandana: Express


Movie Night!

What to Watch

  • Arielle H says:

    I love your airstream,and your style!

  • Paulynagore says:

    I can’t get enough of Coachella, i really wanna go go, one day maybe… Your style is amazing! One of the best of this festival so far!

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