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Summertime Sadness


Summer is closing out, and like always, I feel like it all went by in the blink of an eye. I’m a summer baby, so I never want it to end.

*Queue Summertime Sadness*

I know I’ve been MIA from the blog for a while. I’ve had a few different big projects in the works, and juggling everything has been a challenge. And honestly, social media has been a major bug kill with the new Instagram update. I feel a major disconnect from you guys and I hate it. I’m working overtime just to keep it going, and I won’t lie, it’s wearing on me. Blogging is a constant dance between pleasing everything, and doing what you love. Things have taken me away from what I love, and some people have let me down. It’s life, but it’s coming time where I need to focus on my passions and not give a shit about everything else. I need to be rejuvenated, and I’m reinventing myself. I’m excited for the new things to come, I’m inspired by it. I’m so ready for change.

Does anyone else feel like things are changing this next year? I can feel it in the atmosphere. For both the good and bad, maybe. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned this season, it’s that I want to be LIVING in my life. And something about the last couple months made me clearly realize what I want and don’t want. My heart tells me it’s about time I steer my focus away from the things that don’t fulfill me, and find the beautiful things that do- whether big or small.

Movie Night!

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